Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Not a Post, but a Prayer.. ~ Day 16

Oh, Lord..
Today has been a stressful day. 
I'm having a hard time juggling everything right now.
I need the energy only you can give.
I need the healing only you can provide.
We need your direction and focus.
Please, help us choose our next steps wisely.
Help us make no large mistakes.
Help us bring up our children in the way they should go.
Help them remember their childhoods with happy hearts.
Give me focus and direction for my blogging.
Bring the right readers here.
Help me speak what you need them to know.
Thank you for always providing,
always guiding,
for your endless grace,
for your unfailing love.
your daughter,

1 comment:

  1. Amen and Amen!
    You are encouraging me to write my prayers again as I use to do with one of the studies I did; I also love how you wrote out Beautiful Lord and then wrote your thoughts around the name.
    Mema Jeanne, NC
