Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Coming this October..

I am so excited to announce that this October I am linking up with The Nester and taking the 31 day challenge! I knew to blog about something for 31 days I would not only have to be extremely passionate about it but also it would have to be something that would help me to grow as a person as well. Thus I decided on..
 I will be trying to come up with 31 unique ways that I (and you!) can draw closer to God. I am so excited about this both for myself and that I get to share my 31 day journey with all of you! Stay tuned to share this journey with me!


  1. Hi there. I found your blog through the 31 day practice link up at The Nesters. I love your topic and look forward to following along!

  2. This seems very interesting, the entire concept. thanks so much for allowing me this opportunity to come along with you on your journey..with God. May peace and friendship follow you forever!
